Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What does your walk with Jesus look like and what is God doing in your life?

That question brings out two general responses in people. Either they hate it and shrink back or they get so jacked up excited.

Lately I'm of the latter party. A friend just asked me that very question in a text, and I was gushing out a 7 page answer and was like... "this REALLY is the short version".

So allow me to gush a long version.

I mean, the past month has been a growing, growing, growing experience with Christ. I've read a ton of books (well, let me clarify by 'ton' I mean four. I'm in the middle of "Boundaries". That's a good book. I'm also in the middle of "Wild At Heart". I've finished the terribly, terribly titled book by Eric Ludy "God's Gift to Women"...which really is so much more about becoming a man living totally sold out to Jesus and under His Lordship than women (although that's in there.) But the Lordship of Christ is what has me all excited about the book. The idea of being an AUTHENTIC man with REAL strength. On top of that I'm reading a book by Rob Bell called "What We Talk About When We Talk About God". So far it's really excellent. I know Rob Bell isn't a favorite of all...but I think this book in particular has some GREAT ideas. Ideas like, in our culture we talk about God like He's off somewhere else. "God showed up" - while we know what we're saying...are we ingraining the idea that God is off somewhere else sometimes? Or by separating the scientific and spiritual...are we totally missing the majesty of God? The book's big question is, "is God still relevant, or is he getting outdated to the culture?" and his big answer is "He's VERY relevant." Let's see, what else am I reading...I think that's really it, but I have a big list of books that are next.

I've been praying through Psalms and oh my gosh...AMAZING! I think it's maybe the best way to study a book of songs and prayers. Sing em or pray 'em, and since I can't sing, I pray 'em. I wrestle through the ideas that the Psalmist wrestled through, and I have some psalms I'll go back to because DANG, I can relate.

I keep my giant NIV concordance chillin' by my bed and get exploring that. Last night I was exploring all the different kinds of "knows" in the old and new testament. Well, really there's two main ones. And they're similar, except that one is ALSO used in relation to relational knowledge, and even sex in both Greek and Hebrew. And that one is used a lot when God says "they will know me" and things like that. There's this deeper knowledge. This closeness to God. And that's exciting. Simple "no duh" things get my psyched up. I can easily stay up till 1am flipping through the bible and that giant thing.

And dude...God's put some serious stuff on my heart. I'll write another blog post about it more (probably many future blog posts) but I'm looking for opportunities to serve Christ and volunteer in Northeast Kansas City - where things are a little rougher. I was praying and got this picture of homeless people in need - and later this burning on my heart for boys and young men who need discipling. (Heck, I NEED discipling from older, wiser men), but the Lord's put a burden on my heart to hunt down what I can do for young guys there...and maybe closer to where I am in southwest KC. But I know he wants me doing something where people are a little less willing to go, with people that people are less willing to engage with. And let me tell you right now - it's a terrifying prospect. Do I have what it takes? What is it going to cost? (Not monetarily...mentally...physically...spiritually...) But it is something I'm fired up to walk into prayerfully.  If I can survive migrant camps for years...I'll at least have some tiny idea of what's coming.

Anyway, I want to leave you all with a question... What does your walk with Jesus look like...and what's God doing in your life?

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